ilan sevilla

Online Portfolio

Umbrawller Production And design

Pitch Process

Before the heavy production even started, this game had to go through many rounds of approval.

First, the team produced a list of concepts that were weeded out though team wide votes. 

Once we had finally voted on Umbrawller, it then had to be pitched and accepted by an advisor. 

Finally the project had to be green light by the Producer (Professor) to continue moving forward. 



I created these 2D animation to help portray the basic mechanics of the game early in production.


Working with programmers and artist, I created game mechanic flow charts, character movement templates  and in game object scale sheets. 

Problem Solving

A concept is not always sounds, no matter how well its pre-planned. The aerial mechanics of the game were a challenge. 

  • Problem: Players are blasting themselves away from each other whenever they try and shoot one another
    • Solution: changed shotguns to work as  a charge shot
      • long charge = high recoil blast, but high damage shot
      • short charge = light recoil blast, with normal damage 
    • Risk losing position for higher damage output
      • (if used properly) high damage + player gains distance away from enemy counter 
  • Problem: players kept dyeing to the lava on the bottom & players had trouble closing distances to engage in a dog fight.
    • Solution: added air currents around  bottom of the map.
      • This carries players back to the top of the map.
      • This also helped funnel the players into more encounters. 

promotional material

Public Play testing

During Production, we had the chance to get public feedback at the Philadelphia Com-icon. It was a great experience to share our game and get feedback from a wide range of players.  

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